Chanelle Petty Barrett

Mrs Chanelle Petty Barrett is a 1995 graduate of the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies where she attained a Bachelor of Laws Degree (with Honours).  She holds a Legal Education Certificate from the Sir Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago and was admitted to the Bar in Anguilla in 1997.  Mrs Petty Barrett attained a Master of Laws Degree in 2001 and a Certificate in Legislative Drafting in 2007, both from the University of London.  A lifelong learner, Mrs Petty Barrett is a certified mediator and is also trained in various aspects of governance, leadership, management, public policy and administrative law. 

Mrs Petty Barrett has served in several positions in the Government of Anguilla including Crown Counsel, Senior Crown Counsel (Criminal), Parliamentary Counsel, Acting Registrar of Lands, Acting Attorney General, Acting Deputy Governor and Permanent Secretary.   She is also a former Associate Attorney at Keithley Lake and Associates, one of Anguilla’s leading law firms at the time.  

On her professional journey over the course of twenty five years Mrs Petty Barrett has:  

  • Provided legal advice to all Government departments, advised the Governor on applications for naturalisation, functioned as chief prosecutor in criminal cases, supervised and trained junior counsel, prepared a wide range of legal documents and represented the Government in civil cases.
  • Prepared legislation on Government’s legislative agenda in accordance with instructions from the relevant ministry or department.
  • Performed the functions of Government’s chief legal adviser.
  • Advised and represented private sector clients in a wide range of practice areas including corporate matters, real estate transactions, matrimonial proceedings, succession matters and civil litigation.
  • Conducted and adjudicated on disciplinary hearings into alleged misconduct by public officers and investigations into complaints by or against public officers and prepared reports of proceedings, findings and recommendations.
  • Led and managed the administration of various ministries and monitored their departments and statutory bodies; formulated and implemented strategic and operational plans, policies and initiatives for the advancement of various sectors.
  • Provided advice to Ministers of Government on matters of policy and legislation; prepared Executive Council memoranda; prepared and managed ministries’ budgets; supervised staff, facilitated training and provided mentorship and support.
  • Prepared and negotiated agreements between Government and major investors.
  • Served as chairperson and member of boards of statutory bodies and other state-controlled agencies.
  • Led and guided the development of legislation in various sectors, notably the Education Act 2012, the Labour (Relations) Act 2018, the Elections Act 2019, the Anguilla Constitution amendments of 2019 and other legislation in the areas of commerce and economic development.

An astute and highly valued professional, Mrs Petty Barrett brings the following skills to the services provided.

  • Strategic and operational planning;
  • Research and analysis;
  • Preparation of legal documents;
  • Legislative drafting, interpretation and preparation of drafting instructions;
  • Policy, report, memoranda and opinion writing;
  • Public speaking and advocacy;
  • Mediation and dispute resolution;
  • Conduct of meetings, disciplinary hearings and investigations;
  • Training and staff development;
  • Team building and collaboration.